Formula 1 Team Racing Action Day in Spain
Formula 1 Team Racing Action Day in Spain
One of the most intense and exciting team-building events you can have on your corporate events weekend is the Formula 1 team racing action day in Spain.
Your groups will divide into teams who must work together with all their team-spirit, creativity and competitive abilities, as they first build then race their formula 1 cars.
The whole event is given energy and pace by a team of professional actors, as your teams compete to build their cars and win a better starting position for the actual race.
Once the race begins the whole team takes part just as in real Formula 1. There is a driver and 2 helpers to each team – the helpers continually help the driver drive, maintaining speed and changing wheels.
And the champion team will be rewarded with a winning cup, and of course a standing ovation with a bottle of bubbly to spray the crowd with!
Allow us to send you a free quote with all the information you need on this awesome team-building activity.