Tactical Games in Alicante

Tactical Games in Alicante
Your teams must crack the clues to navigate their way around the city, finding some intriguing characters along the way, and delivering their “key master” safely to the exit portal.
Each team is equipped with an iPad or tablet, walkie-talkies, maps and a tracking device, allowing you to see where the other key masters are, but take note…doing so reveals the position of your own key master!
Set in the heart of the old town, the route takes us through some of the most charming as well as lesser known parts of the city centre. The route includes 2 points at which drinks will be provided, and 4 other points at which our actors will provide the clues.
The team’s task is to keep the key master away from the other teams. The key masters can be wounded at any time by opposing teams who find them – if the key masters have been wounded then they need more time to open the portal. And not just that – but anyone can attack anyone along the way too!
Tactics can be defensive or offensive – tracking down other key masters will make it much harder for that team to win, but tracking down others means having less people defending your own key master. There are safe zones along the route too – but good luck getting out of them! The team that opens the portal the fastest wins the game.
Get in touch with us now for a free quote!