Great Incentives to Give Employees and Motivate Them

Your employees all work pretty hard, right? Without all their brilliant ideas, inspiring effort and awesome dedication, it’d be a pretty different story. But sometimes we all hit a little bump in the road. Creativity starts to run dry. That spark that keeps everyone working as a great team seems to have fizzled out a little – and motivation seems … Read More

Planning a Business Event? Here’s How You Can Make Sure It’s Brilliant!

There are two types of business events. The ones that stick in your memory, pop up in day dreams and have you revisiting the buzz and excitement of the day… And the ones that don’t. Of course, when you’re putting on an event – you want to make sure it’s not just memorable but that it feels pretty incredible to be a … Read More

How to Make Your Team Building Activities Amazing!

Team building activities can be really incredible. When they’re done right, that is! They’re a great way of bringing together a group of people – to help them see each other as more than simply each other’s “colleagues”. By getting to know each member as a part of a team, you can start to appreciate the contribution everyone makes – and how … Read More

5 Tips to Finding a Great Corporate Event Planning Business

For a smooth and successful corporate event which combines the right balance of fun, professionalism and hitting all your goals, you have to be somewhat picky with who you hire to help. You want an event planning business with a great depth of experience, an ability to carefully understand and creatively adapt to your specific goals, and of course the … Read More

Six Fantastic Outdoor Team Building Activities

Outdoor team building activities really do create that special, exciting, truly memorable experience every event organiser is after, don’t you think? Of course, the problem with outdoor events in the UK is that the weather can come along and ruin even the best made plans. This is why I highly recommend going somewhere warm like Spain so you can be … Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Indoor Teambuilding Activities

Come wind or rain, your team will be laughing at your next team-building event. Because with the right indoor teambuilding activities, nothing can stop you! And there’s so much to choose from. You could do back-to-back activities for days or even weeks on end, no problem. And an added bonus is that indoor challenges are often the best way to … Read More

Why Motivational Activities are a Must-Do for EVERY Company

Your company is the people in it. Your success depends on them, their skill, their passion and their motivation and morale. And the simple truth of motivation is that people get excited on a deep and meaningful level for what they are doing by more than just money. Put your wallet away! In fact, if you have the money to … Read More

Why You Need a Destination Management Company

If you’re a UK-based event company, this post is for you. Organising and executing a successful corporate event takes a great deal of effort, experience and attention. And when you’re trying to do it in an unfamiliar city or country it becomes pretty stressful indeed! Especially when the unexpected happens, which let’s face it, it usually does! Good destination management … Read More

8 Fun Team-Building Ideas for Adults

Let the team-building begin!  It takes more than just a nice dinner to bond your lovely group closer together into a more tightly-knit, trusting, supportive team of corporate dynamos. The simple act of taking them on an events day or weekend itself builds team spirit, because you’re doing something exciting together outside of the workplace.  And you start bonding when … Read More

7 Steps to Choosing an Events Planning Company

The events planning company you choose will make or break your whole event. Unfortunately, it’s a field with plenty of not-so-great businesses around.  And it’s often hard to tell which planners are the gems and which are the duds. A truly smooth event where everyone is delighted, and all your team-building goals are smashed, takes a great deal of professional … Read More