Events on a Budget in Valencia

YolaAccommodation, Catering and Entertainment, Conferences and Meetings, Event Management, Main, Uncategorized, Valencia

beach games

The city of Valencia is perfect for organising budget events and we are the leading specialists in events on a budget in Valencia. Whether you are organizing a team building weekend, private event, corporate event or conference, we specialise in customising a unique service for your group, keeping carefully to your budget to get maximum value for your money. Our … Read More

Evening Events in Valencia

YolaAccommodation, Catering and Entertainment, Conferences and Meetings, Event Management, Main, Uncategorized, Valencia

Madrid evening events

From Corporate Dinner Parties, to Themed evenings, Activities and Entertainment in sunny Valencia! The evening and night life in Valencia is truly legendary. As the sun sets in the West the warm night Mediterranean breeze comes in from the east and the city comes to life. There is a wonderful and exciting selection of evening events in Valencia from which … Read More

Conferences and Meetings in Valencia

YolaAccommodation, Catering and Entertainment, Event Management, Main, Uncategorized, Valencia

madrid meetings

Valencia is fast becoming one of Spain’s most popular destinations for corporate events. As one of the city’s leading events coordinator, we specialize in corporate conferences and meetings in Valencia. With a focus on arranging unique and tailor-made events for each and every client. Whether you need a large conference or exhibition centre, or a smaller team-meeting venue with full … Read More

Catering and Entertainment in Valencia

YolaAccommodation, Conferences and Meetings, Evening Events, Event Management, Main, Uncategorized, Valencia

entertainment & catering

Delicious Mediterranean food and exciting entertainment can really make an event stand out. With our long and well-established relationships with the city’s restaurants and entertainers we can offer you the finest catering and entertainment in Valencia for the best prices, hands down. Valencia, the home of Paella, has so much to offer in terms of delicious dishes and incredible entertainment, … Read More

Casino Night in Valencia

YolaEvening Events, Events on a Budget, Group Activity Breaks, Luxury Events, Uncategorized, Valencia

Casino pic

An always popular evening activity for corporate event groups is a casino night in Valencia! Get out your chips, put on your poker faces and get ready to play those cards. The whole atmosphere of the casino night is created to resemble the Monte Carlo casino, with all the best games, including Blackjack, Texas Hold’em, Roulette, Craps and many more … Read More

Beach Gymkhana in Valencia

YolaEvents on a Budget, Group Activity Breaks, Team Building Events, Uncategorized, Valencia

Beach gymkhana

The beach Gymkhana in Valencia brings out the very best competitive spirits and team-coordination in any corporate groups – it’s truly a must-have for any corporate weekend in Valencia. The lively, professional Gymkhana team of guides leads your group teams through a round of fun, weird and wonderful beach games that test your strategic skills, groups-cooperation and creativity. The games … Read More

Beach Team Games in Valencia

YolaEvents on a Budget, Group Activity Breaks, Team Building Events, Uncategorized, Valencia

Beach games

Split your corporate group into colour-coordinated groups, and get into your best competitive team-spirit for beach team games in Valencia. This is one of the most popular days for any group looking for some excellently-planned and organized team-activities. Everyone can have a great time while enjoying the best of the Spanish climate on the beautiful beaches of Valencia. Our team … Read More

All Inclusive Meals in Valencia

YolaEvening Events, Events on a Budget, Group Activity Breaks, Uncategorized, ValenciaLeave a Comment

All-inclusive meals

We pride ourselves in organizing our meals in Valencia at the best locations, where you can experience delicious food in a truly Valencian atmosphere. The long-standing relationships we have with the best local restaurateurs and caterers helps us put together unforgettable evenings in accordance to your budget and the type of ambiance you are looking for. Enjoy the warm evening’s … Read More